Infinity Downline網路賺錢獨家6大優勢

1. 聯盟行銷計畫推薦獎金史上最高:100%/每月,公司不抽,推薦1人立即收支平衡!
2. 所有金流皆在Paypal上立即完成, 安全有保障,Paypal為全球最大網路錢包,用戶超過1.5億!
3. 獨創的每人往上推薦2人機制,保證你的收益以驚人速度級數跳升!
4. 簡單容易上手,不需花太多時間經營,每人只要推薦4名網友加入,即可享受成果一輩子!
5. 純網路化經營,不用購買實體產品,不用參加洗腦大會,一切強調數據、理性思考!
6. 全球大環境惡劣中,唯一不受景氣影響能保證讓你越賺越多的一套致富秘訣!

2010年10月15日 星期五

ID產品 - 網路行銷video導覽


Introduction to SEO  SEO Advantages  Search engine basics  The importance of the domain name  The importance of the keyword research  The role of the title tag  Understanding meta tag  The importance of anchor text  Using header tags effectively   Setting up a proper linking structure  Keyword highlighting  An overview of LSI  What makes a great back link  Article marketing  Free directories  Paid directories  Relevant blogs  Press release  Creating your own blogs  The power of a squidoo lens  The power of a hubpages hub  Fun with wikispaces  Gaining credibility from forums  Monetization optimization  Building a list  Conclusion

● Coaching Program
Kick start your coaching program  How to structure an effective coaching program that works  Teaching 101  Crash course in public speaking  How and where to find clients  Automating your coaching career

● Pay Per Click Power House
What is pay per click advertising?  The advantages of PPC  The dangers of PPC  Main PPC networks  Secondary PPC networks  What can you do with PPC?   Signing up for google adwords   Getting familiar with adwords   Creating a new campaign   Creating your ad   Limitations on ad copy   Understanding google's ad scoring   Choosing your keywords   Gauging results with the traffic estimator   Keyword match types   The advantages of negative keywords  Setting your budget And bids  Understanding ad groups  Understanding the content network  Tracking sales conversions  Tweaking your campaigns  Advanced: finding customers in "buying" mode  Advanced: writing killer ad copy  Advanced: the power of secondary PPC Networks  Conclusion

● How to Make Money From Traffic
Driving traffic overview   Clickbank   Affiliates window   Affiliate programs   What your visitors want   Testing your results   Link share   Inline links 

● Affiliate Marketing
An introduction to affiliate marketing   Affiliate network and product selection   Creating your site   Marketing your site   More about marketing and closing thoughts  

● Squeeze Page 
Gather leads   Build your list  

● Product Creation
Production   Presentation   Promotion   Additional resources   Conclusion

● PLR (Private Label Rights) Membership

● WordPress

● Joomla

● Hamachi

無意間,網路上發現一篇文章,很系列的描述網站行銷歷程,特將其摘錄之 (出處)。

外國的網路行銷,已經從 Squeeze Page (壓縮頁,名單擷取頁),到 landing page optimization (著陸頁最優化),sales page copywriting (銷售網頁文案設計與測試)PPC Campaign/Bid management (關鍵字廣告最優化),online competitive analysis (線上競爭力分析), persuasion architect (說服力設計),online behavior analysis (線上行為分析),email opt-in marketing (許可式行銷),blog marketing (部落格行銷),rich media marketing (網路多媒體),affiliate marketing (聯盟行銷),PPA marketing(行為/成交付費),PR marketing (公關行銷),到2007年盛興的online video marketing(線上影片行銷)和 social network marketing (社群行銷)。 而 2008 年,online social media marketing (線上影音社群行銷)以成為網路行銷的焦點。這裡面許多的行銷觀念和技術,台灣人連碰都還沒碰,在國外已經成為極為成熟的,不可缺,卻不是最重要的網路行銷方法。台灣很多人還在考慮,是不是該e化了,是不是該開始用網路了,還在問網路到底會不會賺錢?

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